Hibiscus Rosa Cultivation

How to grow Hibiscus Rosa plants at home.
Hibiscus Rosa Plantation Guideline.
Sapaththu Mal Wagawa
Wada Mal Wagawa
How to Cultivate Hibiscus Rosa Flower Plant in Your Home Garden
How to get more flowers on Hibiscus Rosa Plant.

Hibiscus Rosa has different colour varieties of flower category. But all of these can be grown easily at your home. Today I hope to explain how to cultivate Hibiscus Rosa plant step by step in your garden.

How to get new little plants ?

Little plants of the Hibiscus can be taken by cut maturity stems. You can select matured stems about 5 inches length. Apply the rooting hormone for cut area. Next you can choose suitable soil mix for planting that hormone applied stems. After two weeks, you will be able to see new leaf on that stems. For plantation process you can use soiled planting bag. You can keep grown stems in this planting bags about two months. After you can move them into ground soil by tearing planting bag. It is essential to keep at least 2m distance between to plants in ground area. Because Hibiscus Rosa plants have higher growth in maturity period.

How to put fertilizer ?

You can not use fertilizer in first two weeks from stem growing of little plantation. The main reason is in that highly change pH of soil and it always act as a barrier for growing. After passing first two weeks, you can put 2 grams of nitrogen based fertilizer into each planting bags. After soil pit arranging, you can apply 30 grams of special Hibiscus fertilizer with ground soil. It is better if you are using 60 x 60 x 30 cm pits. 

How to get more blooms ?

Now you have a question how to get more Hibiscus Rosa flowers in your garden. After passing first six months, you can apply potassium based fertilizer. K-40 and K -44 are suitable for hibiscus plantation as a spray fertilizer. I think if you used liquid spray fertilizer then you can obtain highest hibiscus flower harvest.

Hibiscus Diseases

Hibiscus Plants have bit diseases and mostly can be seen yellowish leaf. This may happen to various factors and these are less nitrogen of plant, chlorinated water, and higher fertilizer concentration, etc. So, you can control these parameters by checking them. Other thing is faddy bug. We can remove it spraying garlic extraction. This extraction can be arranged using 10 grams of garlic in 500 millilitre of distill water. You can boil this solution at least 15 minutes to get good result. Sometimes fungi diseases can be seen on stem and leaves. So, you can use suitable fungicide such as captan solution. If you bought powder of captan, you can make a solution with pure water and you can spray that solution to overcome fungi diseases of your plants.


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