Organic Chilli Cultivation

Chilli Cultivation
Organic Chilli Farming
Miris Wagawa
Amu Miris Wagawa
Kabanika miris Wagawa
Miris Wagawa
How to grow chilli plants using organic fertilizer
Chili pepper Cultivation

Scientific Name: Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens 
Family: Solanaceae
Common Name: Chilli, Chili 

Figure 1: Chilli Harvest 

Today I hope to describe how to cultivate chilli plants in your home garden using natural organic fertilizer. First of all you need to select matured chili seeds. You can extract them from cutting dried chilli.

Figure 2: Chilli Seeds Extraction 

Now we need to arrange soil solution to grow these extracted seeds. It can be done by mixing normal thin soil to coco-peat with 1:1 ratio. 

Figure 3: Mixing Growing Media

After completion of soil arrangement, it should be kept on suitable container. The growing soil should be filled approximately 2/3 depth of that container. 

Figure 4: Seeds Arrangement on Growing Media 

After completion of seed arrangement of top of soil, we can add small soil layer to close all seeds by growing media. After completion of this it is compulsory to press top of covered soil by hand because to prevent from ants attacks from ants for seeds. After completion of pressing process of each area, we can add water as a spray.

Figure 5: Water Adding Process 

Because in normal watering, seeds are coming out and ability to destroy. This is a temporary arrangement. Water should be added until media becomes as a dark by fully wetting. This is enough for first five days.

Figure 6: Five Days Later   

After five days you can see little plants in this media rupture. Don't keep this media and little plants in sunlight until two weeks. And after two weeks you can move these plants to another media or ground. If you use these in a pot you can arrange two plants in one pot to get the best harvest. But if your pot has more capacity so you can arrange several plants in your pot occasionally.

Figure 7: Six Weeks Later

After six weeks, you can add organic fertilizer for your chilli plants. Most of people are using cow dung fertilizer. But is is dangerous for chili cultivation. Because most of cow dung has more fungi and some of the plant virus may attack into plants leaf, root complex and stem area. Therefore you can use nitrogen based another fertilizer such as Gliricidia macilata compost. And other organic fertilizer are Mimosa pudica roots composts, etc.

Figure 8: Gliricidea Compost

After 24 weeks you can see highly grown chilly plants. So now it will start flowering and you can apply organic potassium based fertilizer such as hardwood ashes, natural muriate of potash, sulfate potash mineral, etc. In this time it is compulsory to keep to met highest sunlight get more and more blooms.

Figure 9: Chilli Flowers and Little Harvest 

After several days we can see little chilli and in these plants. Now our mission is completed and it will take few days to get matured harvest in our home garden. Most people say there are not harvest and flower in their matured chilli plants. The main reason is it always required the best sunlight to produce carbohydrate. And better fertilizing, water addition level, etc.

Figure 10: Matured Chilli Harvest 

Now you have an other few questions and they, diseases of chilli plants and how to make solution for them to protect chilli plants and harvest. The main disease is Chilli leaf curl virus effect. This always damage basic structure and configure of chilli leaf.

Figure 11: Chilli Curl Virus Effects on Leaf 

Now we know it is DNA virus and mostly attack to leaf of the chilli plants. This will transmit via insects such as ants, aphids, etc. Therefore we can make insect repellent natural liquid spray to prevent from chilli curl virus on leafs. we can boil 10 gram tobacco with 1 gram of black pepper powder in distill water medium at least 20 minutes. After we can filter and remove unwanted particles. Because we need to spray that liquid for prevention action. Now you have another question and it is currently infected management process. So, in this situation you can keep away infected plants from good plants firstly. Next cut infected leaf  on plant and burn that waste to eliminate spreading virus. Now I wanna discuss another disease and, it is fungi effect. In little time of the plants sometimes you can see the death of little plants by dying on stem area and this happen due to fungi effects. This disease is known as root rot in chilli. You can spray small amount of Captan to eliminate this problem. But if you are not willing to use them in organic cultivation you can use plant tannin extraction for it such as tamarind husk, pomegranate tannin, etc. Previously described tobacco and black pepper extraction also working to prevent from this root rot infection and most of fungi effects in chilli cultivation.Now you can start your own organic and healthful chilli cultivation in your home garden.     


  1. මිරිස් පොර කියන පොර වල අඩංගු පෝර මොනව ද


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