CCHRM Project

Agriculture Project in Sri Lanka
CCHRM Project for Agriculture
CIPM CCHRM Project Reoprt
CCHRM Project in English
CCHRM PRoject Report in English Medium

Topic: Recruitment and selection Procedure of XYZ Agri Company
Released: 2020
Warning: Do not direct copy this project !


This is the best way to find the basic key points of theoretical parts by moving practical usage. First of all I wish to remember this is a good opportunity and I wish to say thank IPM organization. Especially need to say this project was selected according to fulfill my project requirement and selected this place to my personal choice. The selected organization is renamed as XYZ Agri company to prevent their business strategies of local market. And under this research project I wish to find any recruitment procedure of XYZ Agri company.

Executive Summery 

Every company has its own recruitment methods because it is different from place to place. Therefore its strategies are unique. Most company has its own culture, market, employees, etc. These are directly affected into labor turnover of the organization. Therefore statistical and historical data that need to analyse to get a recruitment and induction of the organization.

Background of XYZ Agri company 

XYZ Agriculture company is established in year 1978 Upcountry Sri Lanka. The main purposes to grow essential agricultural foods for Colombo market. Because there are no lands in western area to grow vegetables and fruits. The head office located in Colombo and main two branches are located in Kotmale and Nuwara Eliya Sri Lanka. There are about 800 workers are working on company lands as a labors. XYZ provides organic farming without using chemical based synthetic fertilizer. Therefore company has higher customer demand for their organic products.

Objectives of the XYZ Agri Company

The main objectives are to provide continuous meals to local consumer. Because today consumer demand has gone highly. Because most people not farming and turned to other vacancies such as construction, garment factories, and other labor works. Therefore this is the best way to reduce importing foods by foreign countries.


"To make better health of people through organic cultivation"


Missions is to " Provide the best of organic farming to fulfill market requirement to satisfy final consumer via customer loyalty"

Products of XYZ Agri Company

Main products are upcountry vegetables. Mostly some agri products are need below 17 centigrade temperature to grow. But in western and north-eaten area cannot fulfill those requirement for most vegetables such as carrot, bean, cabbage, etc. Therefore mostly cultivated up-country vegetables that above noticed.   


Organizational Structure

To get better performance of the field, there are several upper posts, supervisory categories are found in XYZ agri company. That selected structure of workers are given below.

Each level of workers are works as part of the one chain. Hence, communication of the each working process of each workers are well improved.

Objective of Study

     - To identify agriculture production procedure.
     - To identify structure of the Agricultural Organization.
     - To identify market share of the organization.
     - To identify recruitment and selection procedure.
     - To understand data analysis process of HR department.
     - To identify company decisions of labor turnover.

Review of Literature

I remember several key points were studied about recruitment process in class room. I think this is a good way to measure capability to understand those theoretical parts of recruitment, selection and induction process of the organization. In this research it was ability to confirm that learned are true with my earned practices. 


First of all, that data collected with history logbook of the company. And some of the were not clearly understood. Because some log notes were not match with intranet system of the company. Therefore data was collected as,

Primary Data: These data collected with logbook, some notices, annually published books and news papers of the company.

Secondary Data: These data were collected with official website and intranet system of the company. And these data are updated twice a week. So some of them were gathered with current events of each workplaces.

Methodology of Recruitment

Recruitment was arranged by considering worker capacity of particular works. Recruitment of the particular vacancies were done in two ways and they are,

Internal Recruitment: This process was done by grapevine system with notice. And this method is advertising cost effective method. Internal process doe as notice board, intranet, promotion, recommend by current laborer, transfers etc.

External Recruitment: This process was done to join new person to company with new knowledge. For an example university graduates, students, skilled workers, etc. External recruitment was done via news paper advertisements, internet, Facebook posts, LinkedIn recruitment, job fair, job agencies, etc.   

Data Distribution  

Now we came to process that collected methodology analysis process. In this, it is compulsory to keep all data in frequently and need to be arranged. For that process following table were used to find recruitment method of field workers and supervisors in February 2019 .

Internal Recruit Percentage:  (5/7) * 100

                                            :  71.43%

External Recruit Percentage: 100% - 71.43%

                                             : 28.7% 

Next can be turn to understand the recruitment scale of the year 2016-2019 at XYX Agri Company according to gathered data.

Selection Process

All interviewed candidates were turned to selection process to check their physical ability to get better workplace performance. And it can be listed as below,

- Gathering selected applications.
- Employment test with practical basis.
- Medical checkup.
- Final selection.
- Induction process for particular job function.

Following data shows a clear idea about interview and selected data in 2019.

Above graphical diagram says there are little bit amount of selection than interviewed numbers of candidates. It means fist 05 month has higher recruitment amount than other 07 month of that year. So this can be used to explain selection forecast for next years behavior of each months.


Although Sri Lanka has traditional agriculture based company, XYZ Agri company has started a new movement with technology when they recruiting new employees into their organizational path. The best example is internet based recruitment such as web based social media networks such as LinkedIn posts etc. And also it has well developed intranet system to get an easy process of recruitment via current employees. I think it is the best step to grow agricultural industry through information technology. 

Appendix - I

Additional Details

XYZ Company is not isolated in Sri Lanka and, it has international connections with foreign market with organic farming product that has increased and earned good name via nutrition of vegetable products of real up-country. They always develop new innovations to develop farming techniques with organic cultivation.


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