Orchid Diseases

Today We hope to describe about orchids diseases and solutions. This topic can be explained in to several manner. I think you may know lot of orchid diseases can happen if you are farming orchids. Today I hope to explain all this diseases under the several sub topics. 
Having studied this tutorial I think, you will be able to proper manage your orchids by preventing from some foreign diseases. OK we look what they are,

Quick Yellow Colouring Orchid Leaf

Basically this may happen due to lack of nitrogen and trace elements. According tho this situation, nitrogen and other required elements are moving to the little leaves from maturity hence, yellow colour of maturity leaf can happen. To solve this we can use nitrogen based NPK fertilizer with leaf spraying. Another leaf yellowing and falling effect may happen due to higher water concentration of orchid roots. And chlorinated water directly damage orchid roots and generate whole yellow leaf. Sometimes this whole yellow can be seen due to the bacterial and virus effect. In this virus starting period, affected leaves should be removed and destroyed to prevent other leaves of orchid plant. 

Dark Spots on Orchid Leaves 

This is also bad effect and, should be treated quickly. Dark spots can be explained according to their colour and appearance of spots on leaf.

- Backside dark spots is also recognized as fungi effects. (use suitable fungicide) 

- Brown spots is also recognized as bacterial effects.

- Chloro-tic spots can be seen as yellow spiral and, that is recognized as virus effects.

Animal Effect

Basically we can see insect diseases in orchid leaves. At most time in conventional methods, it is difficult to remove. Therefore we can use penthoate, abamectin or related insect killer chemicals. 


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