
How to Cultivate Carrot in Your Garden

 How to cultivate carrot carrot wagawa carrot vagava carat wagawa Cultivating Carrots in Your Garden: A Step-by-Step Guide Introduction Carrots are not only a delicious and versatile vegetable but also a rewarding addition to any home garden. Growing your own carrots allows you to enjoy their sweet, crisp flavor straight from the soil while reaping the benefits of gardening. Whether you're a novice gardener or a seasoned pro, cultivating carrots in your garden is a relatively straightforward process. In this article, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide to help you grow healthy and vibrant carrots right in your backyard. Choose the Right Location Selecting the right location is crucial for successful carrot cultivation. Carrots prefer well-drained soil, abundant sunlight, and a location with minimal competition from other plants. Here's what you need to consider: a. Soil: Carrots thrive in loose, sandy or loamy soil that is free of rocks and debris. If your soil is h

How to Grow Curry Leaf Plant in Sri Lanka

How to Grow Curry Leaves Plant in Sri Lanka Karapincha Wagawa How cultivate curry leaves plant Karapincha Vagawa How to cultivate karapincha plant How to grow karapincha plant How to grow curry leaf plant Fertilizer for curry leaf plant ------ About Plant Scientific Name: Murraya koenigii Family: Rutaceae  Common Name: Curry Leaf, Curry Leaves, Karapincha ------ Today I hope to explain you how to grow curry leaf plant in Sinhalese medium. I think, this tutorial will help you to get an idea how to grow curry leaf plant in your home garden. 

How to Cultivate Brinjal in Sri Lanka

How to grow brinjal plants in your home garden Wambatu Wagawa Brinjal Plantation in Sri Lanka Aubergine Cultivation in Sri Lanka How to Cultivate Aubergine at Home Eggplant Wagawa Aubergine Wagawa How to Grow Eggplant at Home How to Cultivate Eggplant. Wambatu Pohora Eggplant Cultivation Guideline Aubergine Plantation Guideline. ------- About Plant Scientific Name: Solanum melongena  Family: Solanaceae  Common Name: Aubergine, Brinjal, Eggplant Category: Vegetable ------- Brinjal is a popular vegetable in Sri Lanka and, it is known as " Wambatu " in Sinhalese medium. In the most of party or festival meals, we can see brinjal curries such as wambatu moju. Today I hope to explain you how to cultivate brinjal plants in your home garden.  Figure 1: Brinjal Plant  Before start plantation, it is essential to choose suitable ground soil or growing media. For this cultivation, I can recommend fine and highly water absorbent soil. The sel

How to Cultivate Tomato in Sri Lanka

How to Grow Tomato in Sri Lanka How Cultivate Tomatoes in Sri Lanka Thakkali Wagawa Tomato Plantation in Sri Lanka Organic Tomato Plantation Kabanika takkali wagawa Organic Tomato Cultivation Kabanika Thakkali Wagawa How to cultivate tomato correctly How to get good tomato harvest in home garden Tomato & gardening tips Tomato plantation guideline. ------ About Plant Scientific Name: Solanum lycopersicum  Family: Solanaceae  Common Name: Tomato, Thakkali Category: Fruit, Vegetable  ------ Tomato is a very popular fruit and vegetable in Sri Lanka and, it is mostly used as a cooking assistant. Therefore tomato has essential cooking ingredient in every kitchen in Sri Lanka. Apart this, tomato is used to make sauce. Tomato sauce is most popular appetizer in restaurant and hotel industry.    Figure 1: Tomato Plant  Although tomato has more consumption in each home, but most of people never think to grow them at home. Because most people has

Different Types of Fertilizer in Sri Lanka

Different types of Vegetable fertilizer in Sri Lanka Different types of Flowering Fertilizer in Sri Lanka Mal Pohora Elawalu Pohora Different category of Fertilizer in Sinhala Medium. Different types of fertilizer can be taken to improve vegetable harvest and flower harvest in Sri Lanka. But most of people don't know what they are ?. Today I wish to describe them by giving suitable figures. Flowering Fertilizer First of all I wish to describe floriculture in Sri Lanka. Because if you are growing different commercial lowers such as rose, bougainvillea, anthurium, orchids, you can earn more income by selling them. But more people say, we are unable to get the good harvest of flower. The main solution is correct fertilizing to them in different stages. O.K Now we looks what are the flowering fertilizers and their features. 1. N - Fertilizer  N - Fertilizer is known as nitrogen fertilizer. In Sri Lanka it is called "Nil Kata Pohora". This fertilizer ha

NAITA Industrial Training Report

NAITA Industrial Training Report for University Students NAITA Industrial Training Report for HND Students NAITA Training Report Agriculture Training Report in Sri Lanka This project was prepared to fulfill my training requirement of HND level of the university. I think this essay will helps you to get an idea how to prepare industrial training report for agriculture project or any other plantation related project. But you are strongly advised do not direct copy this project. Each cover design and content pages may subject to change on NAITA guideline. Therefore such details were not added. According to the data and strategy protection, I wish to rename my pointed organization as XYZ organization.  ---------- PREFACE Every industry has its own practical procedure and, it means every industry required skilled workers to increase their productivity. But in this moment some industry unable to process due to the lack of skilled workers and management. The mainly affecte

How to Grow Spinach at Home

How to Cultivate Spinach at Home How to grow Malabar Spinach in Your Garden Niwithi Wagawa Nivithi Wagawa How to grow Malabar Spinach Plants How to grow spinach seeds How to grow spinach stem Spinach Farming Guideline ----- About Plant Scientific Name: Spinacia oleracea, Basella alba Common Name: Spinach, Malabar Spinach  Category: Vegetable, Medicinal Plant  ------- Figure 1: Spinach Plant Today I hope to explain you how to grow spinach at home. We can grow them in two ways and, they are by seeds and by matured stems. First of all I hope to describe spinach cultivation using matured seeds. Figure 2: Spinach Seeds  When we are choosing seeds we have to avoid greenish seeds. Because less probability of growing due to less maturity of seed. Now we look how to create our spinach growing media in suitable container.  Figure 3: Growing Media Arrangement  When we are arranging growing soil composite for spinach cultivation, we can use com