
Showing posts from July, 2019

Cannas Wagawa

Today I hope to explain how to cultivate cannas flower plant correctly. I think this tutorial will help you to get clear idea how to grow cannas in your garden. I think now you have a clear idea how to cultivate cannas plant in your garden with correct soiling and correct fertilizing. If you have any questions about this article, now you can comment them in bellow tab. 

Okid Roga

Orchid Roga Okid Wagawa Okid patra kaha wema Okid dumburu lapa Okid pathra halima In this tutorial I hope to describe orchid diseases how to overcome them. You can carefully read these information and try to get clear idea. Having studied this article, now you will be able to make your own solution for various types of orchid diseases. Sometimes these theory may subject to change our latest experiments. However you can read more and more theories and practicals about orchid cultivation in Sri Lanka and we hope to make tutorials about orchid cultivation in Sinhala medium. If you have any problems about this tutorial, so you can comment them in below. 

Orchid Diseases

Today We hope to describe about orchids diseases and solutions. This topic can be explained in to several manner. I think you may know lot of orchid diseases can happen if you are farming orchids. Today I hope to explain all this diseases under the several sub topics.  Having studied this tutorial I think, you will be able to proper manage your orchids by preventing from some foreign diseases. OK we look what they are, Quick Yellow Colouring Orchid Leaf Basically this may happen due to lack of nitrogen and trace elements. According tho this situation, nitrogen and other required elements are moving to the little leaves from maturity hence, yellow colour of maturity leaf can happen. To solve this we can use nitrogen based NPK fertilizer with leaf spraying. Another leaf yellowing and falling effect may happen due to higher water concentration of orchid roots. And chlorinated water directly damage orchid roots and generate whole yellow leaf. Sometimes this whole yellow c...

Japan Rosa Wagawa

How to cultivate Japanese rose in your garden. I think this tutorial will helpful you to to start japan rose cultivation in your garden. It is very simple as well as easy to grow. Low treatments and flowering hormones are not needed. There are several japan rose categories can be seen under the japan rose and, these are gives more and more attraction with different colours and shapes. In gardening, these flowers you have to insert water soluble higher potassium based solutions into Japanese rose leaf to obtain better blooms.     

Bougainvillea Wagawa

Bougainvillea cultivation in Sri Lanka. Bougainvillea has more varieties of flower and different colour hues. This article will help you to get an idea about how to manage your garden with bougainvillea cultivation. Now we look, how to grow bougainvillea correctly. How to get little plants. Little bougainvillea plants can be easily taken by rooting stems. Maturity stems can be taken to better rooting and it is about 5 inches. You can use rooting hormones for quick growing. This may takes several days such as 14 days. How to get soil composite. Soil composite can be taken as thin soil with coco peat. But soil part should have excessive amount of overall composite. After, can be filled it into planting bags until covering 2/3 depth of it. Fertilizer In first four week you can use nitrogen based and, phosphorus based fertilizer. It will helps to grow plants stem and leaf. After three weeks you can add potassium based fertilizer. This will results better blooming of...